Available Goldendoodle Pups From health tested parents. Vet checked. Microchipped and two year health guarantee for congenital defects.
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Litter 1
Holly and Max
Max is a 15lb Phantom color and Holly is a 24lb apricot color. The babies should be 15-25 lbs. They had 4 babies on june 3rd 3 females and 1 male. They are $4000 plus tax.
2. Delilah I have two options for her. Phantom Female $1500 as a guardian or $3500 for sale. Purple collar I am looking for a guardian for her she will stay in my breeding program. She can be a guardian or she is for sale.
A female would come to my home once a year to have her babies for an average of 8 weeks. This is once a year we do it three times.
A Male would be unneutered and we would use him for stud service. For these you must have a fenced in back yard and be good at training. You would be getting pick of the litter at discounted price. Also, with each litter you would make $500.00 if we have at least 4 puppies. Stud service I give the family 100.00 for the breeding which is usually 2 days in a row:)
Litter 2
Gracie and Bentley
Born 8/26/24 she had 1 gorgeous male. He will be between 20-30 lbs is our guess and wavy. Mom Gracie is a double doodle she has some labradoodle in her and dad is a goldendoodle. They produced a stunning tuxedo male! $3500.00 You can text me for pics 630-606-4068
Every Goldendoodle Puppy
At My home, we take great pride in offering the best Goldendoodle puppies available. All of our puppies are family raised in a loving environment and have been health tested for some genetic issues. We also provide all of our customers with a health guarantee, so you know you’re getting a puppy you can trust.
We understand the importance of finding the perfect pup for you and your family, so we make sure that each puppy is given the best possible care. If you’re looking for a Goldendoodle puppy that will bring joy and love to your family, look no further than My Site
1. Comes with a 2 year health guarantee (see Our Philosophy page)
2. Dewclaws are removed at a couple days old
3. Vet checked
4. Three rounds of deworming and 1-2 rounds of parasite control
5. They are sent home with a snuggle puppy with mom's scent
6. Free 30 days of Pet Insurance
Why get a puppy from Chicago Goldendoodle?
Parents are OFA tested on Hips, Elbows, Eyes and Hearts
Then we do genetic panels to make sure we are putting two good dogs together.
Raised in our home ,been breeding over 20 years
Great temperaments for family and therapy dogs.
What do the Puppys come with?
All pups come with a two year health guarantee for congenital defects
They have had their dew claws removed
They have been vet checked
1st set of shots
Go home bag will have a snuggle puppy, and a couple chew toys and shot record, 30 days of puppy training with Bisquit Training, 30 days of free Pet Insurance through Trupanion.